BCTEA Executive

(2023 – 2024)

Nigel Reedman

PSA President

School District #39 (Vancouver)

Andy Strothotte

vice president

School District #42 (Maple Ridge)

Mykola Misiak


School District #36 (Surrey)

Peter Orlandi


School District #43 (Coquitlam)

Steve Claassen


School District #71 (Comox Valley)

Steve Cecchi


School District #33 (Chilliwack)

Heather Elliott

Conference Liason

School District #33 (Chilliwack)

Stephen Cobb

member at large

School District #40 (New West)

Troy Dakiniewich

vendor liason

School District #71 (Comox Valley)


(Elected on even years for a two year term)

  1. Chair general and executive meetings.
  2. Call meetings of the executive and of the membership [the dates and locations to be arranged for the convenience of those concerned.
  3. Coordinate the agenda for meetings of the executive with the secretary and of the general membership. The agenda should be prepared well in advance of a meeting to allow for adequate pre-contacts with all persons involved in the business of that meeting.
  4. Arrange for an annual general meeting and election of officers for the coming year.
  5. Appoint special committees as necessary and be ex officio member of each committee.
  6. Carry out plans set by previous committees.
  7. Act as official representative to outside groups [or name a substitute] report to the membership, commitments or activities that involve the BCTEA.
  8. Maintain knowledge of the BCTEA finances and media relations
  9. Oversee and/or prepare the per capita grant to the BCTF.  The president is responsible for the submission of this report.
  10. Maintain communication with post-secondary schools with Technology Education students.


(Elected on odd years for a two year term)

In addition to finance details, you would also communicate with the executive and PSA members on matters pertaining to technology education direction/challenges in the province.  Work with the executive and media relations for the betterment of technology education programs in the province.

  1. Keep an accurate record of all money belonging to the BCTEA.                       
  2. Be prepared to give the balance on hand and a statement of receipts and disbursements at each general and executive meeting of the BCTEA.
  3. Present an annual budget to the executive committee at the first meeting in the fall and request its adoption [the budget figures may have been prepared in the spring to request an allowance from the parent associations].
  4. Be responsible for all routines in collecting and banking duties with the BCTF.
  5. Submit cheque requisitions for payment of BCTEA’s expenditures.
  6. At the end of the school year, present a written statement of receipts and expenditures to the exective.
  7. Orient your successor to her or his duties, after balancing the books for your school year.
  8. Label records and files, and store them digitally in a central location.

Member at Large
Communication & Member Relations

(Elected on even years for a two year term)

This person has the duty to develop and maintain the means of communication for the BCTEA. In addition, you would also communicate with the executive and PSA members on matters pertaining to technology education direction/challenges in the province.  Work with the executive for the betterment of technology education programs in the province.

  1. Keep the website current and up to date with information relevant to the business of the BCTEA.
  2. Maintain and moderate the BCTEA listserve.
  3. Moderate, post relevant information and accept people onto the BCTEA Group Facebook page.
  4. Gather articles and information relevant to the BCTEA.
  5. Gather information from conference organizers and publish the conference schedules, workshop descriptions, agendas, etc which are sent out on the listserve and posted on the BCTEA website.
  6. Ensure payment is made to maintain the BCTEA domain name and WHOIS publication.
  7. Oversee/maintain and update the BCTEA database on all the shop teachers/programs around the province.
  8. Check regularly, then respond/forward any questions sent to the BCTEA through the emails:  info@bctea.org or through replies to the listserve (psa-bctea@list.bctf.ca).

Member at Large – Conference Liaison

(Elected on odd years for a two year term)

This person has the duty to assist the conference committee in the organization and run the registration for the annual conference. In addition, you would also communicate with the executive and PSA members on matters pertaining to technology education direction/challenges in the province.  Work with the executive and media relations for the betterment of technology education programs in the province.

  1. Coordinate with the online vendor to layout conference registration webpage.
  2. Oversee and coordinate conference registrations.
  3. Complete report for the membership list as required by the BCTF.
  4. Report back to the executive at the post conference meeting.
  5. Remit PSA membership and conference fees collected from BCTEA events to the treasurer.
  6. Maintain Conference tasks and jobs information to be passed on to the host conference committee. Keep record of past presenter’s, assist in surveys to see what members want for conference presentations, etc.
  7. Upload the membership file to the BCTF.
  8. Update the BCTEA database of teacher from around the province (contact district LSA presidents/Reps for updates in Sept).


(Elected on odd years for a two year term)

The person in this position may assume the role of president in their absence. The vice president, therefore, should make every effort to learn the routines and background of the association, which is best done by actively participating. In addition, you would also communicate with the executive and PSA members on matters pertaining to technology education direction/challenges in the province.  Work with the executive and media relations for the betterment of technology education programs in the province.

  1. Attend all meetings of the executive committee and general meetings.
  2. Be an active member of BCTEA committees.
  3. Be ready to chair meetings or act as the president’s substitute at any time.
  4. Keep on file copies of reports and records for ready reference.
  5. Oversee the uploading the membership file to the BCTF.
  6. Maintain and establish the format/medium for executive meetings.
  7. At the request of the president, act as nominations chairperson for the next election of officers.


(Elected on odd years for a two year term)

In addition to keeping records, you would also communicate with the executive and PSA members on matters pertaining to technology education direction/challenges in the province.  Work with the executive and media relations for the betterment of technology education programs in the province.

  1. Take minutes at every executive meeting and general meeting.
  2. Coordinate the agenda with the President for meetings of the executive and of the general membership.  
  3. Have minutes prepared for adoption at the following meeting.
  4. Make minutes available to the BCTEA members and the PSAC.
  5. As directed by the president, send notices of meetings to all people concerned.

Past President

(1 year term)

  1. Provide mentorship as required.
  2. Assist the president if requested.
  3. Be ready and willing to assume any task in an emergency.

Member at Large – Vendor Liaison

(Elected on even years for a two year term)

This person has the duty to communicate with the vendors associated with the BCTEA and to liaison with the company responsible for tradeshow setup. Eg. Showtime. In addition, you would also communicate with the executive and PSA members on matters pertaining to technology education direction/challenges in the province.  Work with the executive and media relations for the betterment of technology education programs in the province.

Liaison with conference vendors and BCTEA

  1. Carefully plan & organize vendor package well ahead of time – Develop a conference outline, registration form, & invite to be sent out to prospective vendors well ahead of conference date.  (March-April)
  2. Report to executive at post conference meeting regarding conference and vendor satisfaction.
  3. Look for opportunities to grow the vendor list by bringing in new marketing partners.
  4. Manage all registration & banking duties for marketing vendors. (All vendor conference fees/membership fees to be deposited in BCTEA account).
  5. Pay attention to conference details, planning arrangements, contacts & dates:

  • Follow up with vendors regarding registration and ensuring inquiries are responded to.
  • Maintain a list of vendors & contact information.
  • Assist vendors with set-up and tear-down at the conference.

Members at Large

(Even and Odd Years)

These two positions were created by the Executive for the 2022 AGM.  The intent of the positions are to bring new members onto the executive without assigning a specific role with the executive to them.

These members will have a vote on any executive decisions made.