Thank you for considering membership with the BCTEA. Whether you are renewing your membership or becoming a member for the first time, your membership supports a good cause and has some benefits in return.
Your membership:
- Helps promote and advocate the Tech Ed specialization in BC schools.
- Allows you to be part of a group of specialists who can share ideas, tricks and techniques.
- Adds you to the list serve which can provide timely updates in the Tech Ed specialization.
- Helps the BCTEA team promote and develop policies and guidelines for the Tech Ed specialization. Such documents include Heads Up for Safety, Shop floor plans, Curriculum updates, Dust collection guidelines, Best Practice guides, project sharing, and more.
- Allows you to attend the annual conference and workshops. Note: This event has a separate fee.
- Helps support lower conference fees, District Reps meeting, LSA grants and special projects with members.
- Allows BCTEA Executive meetings to happen with industry and educational partners.
- Allows access to the BCTEA Website.