WorldSkills Team Canada 2017 Prospects are announced at the Closing Ceremony of the 2016 Skills Canada National Competition. (CNW Group/Skills/Compétences Canada)
World Skills Team Canada 2017 Prospects are announced at the Closing Ceremony of the 2016 Skills Canada National Competition. 

I just returned from Skills Canada Nationals in Moncton New Brunswick. As always this is an excellent time to rejuvenate by seeing students performing at the highest level. With over 500 competitors and over 50 events, this is exciting. I do enjoy our regional competition and provincial, but the national event takes it to a new level. If you ever get a chance to escort a student to the nationals, I recommend going.

Over the last 10 years or so I have been on the National Technical Committee for Robotics. This exposes me to Tech Ed teachers from across the country. Whenever we come together, this gives me the chance to ask questions about what is happening in shop classes in other provinces. What I have found is many similarities and also many differences. One common thread that I have seen is that Tech Ed teachers put a lot of value on hands on learning and skill development. Another thing is how Tech Ed teachers are trained or selected for a shop job in the different provinces. I feel we are very fortunate to have our Tech Ed training system to prepare teachers to teach in a shop environment.

BC produces an incredible amount of medal winners at the national level. This must have something to do with the programs, teachers and courses students are exposed to in our school system. Keep up the great work everyone.